Fabien Mathieu



Research topics
  • Peer-to-Peer Systems.
  • Game Theory (Matchings, Voting Systems).
  • Large Networks Modeling and Performance Analysis.
  • Unsupervised Natural Language Processing.
  • ResearchOverflow: Rebuilding Research


I was a student at the École Normale Supérieure, rue d’Ulm from 1998 to 2002. I completed a Ph.D in Computer Science in 2004. My dissertation titled Web Graphs and PageRank-like measurements was supervised by Prof. Michel Habib and permanent INRIA researcher Laurent Viennot. From 2005 to 2010, I was a researcher in the Traffic and Resource Allocation group at Orange Labs, aka France Telecom R&D, aka CNET, part of the Transport & Packet Networks lab. In 2009, I passed the Habilitation à  Diriger des Recherches (official agreement for supervising PhD students) on the topic of P2P and acyclic preference-based systems. Since 2010, I work at LINCS, a joint lab between academics and industrials, first as INRIA in the GANG research team (2010-2013), then in the MathDyn team of NOKIA Bell Labs.
Since 2022, I work for Swapcard doing research on recommendation algorithms.


All my publications are now managed via HAL. You can browse them through this link.


Teaching Material
All my teaching courses are now hosted on Github.